Thursday, August 12, 2010

When the steps don't matter

I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance! I got hooked the very first season and have never missed since then. I've always loved dancing. I'm not good at it but I love the story that dancing can tell. I get caught up and can feel the emotion behind each dance and am often sad when the show is over. I remember watching my roommates in college or my friends in high school. I loved going! It was like getting caught up in a book and forgetting about my own life for awhile.

So on the final show of SYTYCD, before the winner is announced, Kent did this routine where he said that sometimes the emotion and the experience take over and the steps don't even matter. Have you ever had that kind of writing experience? Where the story takes over and the word count or sentence structure or best verbs don't matter anymore. Where the words simply fill the page effortlessly because the story is flowing out. Those moments where the emotion is stronger than the skill.

I really like those moments. I must admit they don't happen to me often enough. Not as much as I'd like. But that's probably because I haven't been able to put as much time into writing as I need to. So that's my new goal - to get myself back to the place where the story takes over. I want more, I need more of those experiences.

If I can experience them when I read a book, why not when I write?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Checking Back In

It's been awhile. Until this past week I had no idea that I was sick and slowly getting more sick. Then everything came crashing down. Now I'm forced to take it easy and get better, which has been very eye opening. I had no idea how in survival mode I was. I have fallen behind on everything, especially the things I enjoy doing the most. I am months behind in all my blogs, I haven't cooked in weeks, and I haven't been writing. So not only was I simply going through the motions of life, I spent no time doing what motivates me.

But I'm back!!

And it feels so good. After this post, I'm all caught up on my blogs, I have made tons of notes for a new book I've been dreaming of and I can actually feel my imagination coming back to life.

Yeah for the things that I love!

It's good to be back. It's good to feel alive again.

I'm sure my characters feel the same way.

The best part of all? I have a new love of writing because I know what it's like to be without it. So here's to health and writing and all the things that motivate me in life.

Yep, it's good to be back!